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  摘要: 针对无线传感器网络的节点一般体积小,携带能量低,运算能力弱,能量一旦耗尽不可再生这一特点,本文提出提高网络运行寿命的方法。一方面,在网络节点运行时间上,将基站作为主控中心,根据系统的需求,采用有效的调度算法,来唤醒需要传输的无线传感器节点进行数据采集,然后将传输信息发送给簇头进行网络内传输,直至到达基站,从而获得传感器节点最小运行时间。另一方面,在网络内多跳通信时,靠近基站的簇头节点由于转发大量数据导致节点过早失效问题,本文提出一种不均匀分簇多跳算法,根据节点与基站距离调整簇首概率,能量优先为原则选择簇首,使据基站近的区域簇头多于据基站远的区域。

  Abstract: Aimed to the characteristics of wireless sensor networks, including small size, low carrying energy, weak computing power, non-renewable energy, this paper presents methods to improve network operational lifetime. On one hand, the base station would as the main control center in the network nodes running time, according to system requirements, effective scheduling algorithms were used to wake up the wireless sensor nodes need to transmit data to collect data, and then send transmission information to cluster head for network transmission, until reach the base station, so as to achieve a sensor node minimum running time. On the other hand, in multi-hop communication network, the cluster head nodes near the base station were premature failure due to transmitting large amounts of data, this paper proposes an uneven clumps and multiple hops algorithm, it adjusts cluster head probability according to the distance between nodes and base station, selects the first cluster based on energy priority, make the regional cluster head near the base station be more than remote regions.

  关键词: 主动唤醒;无线传感器网络;基站;网络寿命Key words: active awakening;wireless sensor networks(WSNs);base station;network lifetime中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4311(2012)15-0204-02

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